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Why does a Candle Flame point upwards | Combustion & Flame | HOTS |

Why does a Candle Flame point upwards

Think of the candle flame as a #helium-filled balloon: No matter which way you hold the string or the tied-off end, the balloon will stubbornly right itself. In fact, turn a candle upside down, and its flame will shift around to point to the ceiling, as if pulled by an invisible force.

The question now is, why does a #candleflame always point upwards?

Watch out our video to get the answer. Something to think about though, if you light a candle in space, how will the flame look like?

Do you think the shape will remain the same? Does #gravity play a role?

Learn more at: Did you know | Learn Science through Experiments (experihub.com)

View more such videos at : https://www.youtube.com/c/ExperiHub?sub_confimation=1 

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