Fun Time Experiments
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes, quizzes and experiment kits along with this session to make learning interesting and understandable
Scientists & their Inventions
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 4 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
What are things made up of Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 4 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Changes Around Us
Explaining various changes , chemical and physical changes
Human Respiration & ENT
Introduction o Human Respiratory system and touching the ENT
Air and Pollution AQI Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 4 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Heat Energy and its properties
Properties of Air and their applications in real life, Layers of Atmosphere and Introduction to Atmospheric Pressure.
Understand the properties of Water and their Applications in real life- understand Miscibility, Solubility, Density, Purification
Getting introduced to types of plants, their parts, functions and modifications
Understanding Soil, Soil Profile , Types of Soil and Humus
Light & Shadow
Introduction to Light , its Properties
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes, quizzes and experiment kits along with this session to make learning interesting and understandable
Sense Organs & Body Systems
Exploring the Sense Organs and their structure and functions
Our Teeth
Knowing our Teeth, their different functions and problems.
Fun Time Experiments
Hands On fun activities involving Science concepts in real life
The Solar System
Delving into the Solar System and its members
Sorting Materials into Groups Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 3 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Adaptation in Animals & Plants Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 3 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Crop Production & Nitrogen Fixation 2
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes & quizzes with this session to make learning interesting and understandable.
Microorganisms 1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 8 topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes & quizzes with this session to make learning interesting and understandable.
Introduction to the Sound Wave
Fun Time Experiments
Science concepts in real life with hands on fun activties
Synthetic Fibre and Plastic – 2
This Session will cover:
- Fibre and Plastics
- Fibre-Naturals Vs Synthetic
- Polymers
- Polymerizations
- Plastics-Thermoplastics and Thermosetting
- Plastics Waste Managment
Microorganisms – 2
This session will cover:
- Microorganisms
- Types of Microorganism- Bacteria, Algae, Virus, Fungi and Protozoa
- Friendly and useful Microorganism
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Helping the Environment
- Uses of Microorganism
Getting to Know Plants – 2
In this session we will be covering the following:
- Herbs, Shrubs and Trees
- Plant System
- Root, Stem and Leaf – Function and Modification
- Flower – Structure and Function
Pollution types, effects and solutions
History, Measurement and Instruments for understanding Time
Combustion and Flame 2
The Flame, Fuels and Calorific Values
Sorting Materials Into Groups – 2
This Session will cover:
- What is Matter?
- Composition of Matter
- Classification of Material into Groups
- Properties of Materials
Water – 2
This session will cover:
- Importance of Water for Sustaining Life
- States of Water
- Change of State
- Water Cycle
- Lighting and Thunder
- Sources of water
- Droughts and Flood
- Conservation of water
Body and its Movements – 2
This session will cover:
- Organization and Structure of the Body
- Movement
- The human Skeletal System
- Structure of Human Skull
- Joint and Movement
- Movement of Animals
Force and Pressure 2
Pressure exerted by Solids, Liquids, Gases in depth
Sound – 1
Propagation of Sound and Concepts