Session Content
5 sections • 10 lectures • 1h 40m total length
About Friction
- What is Friction
- Causes of Friction
Friction is one of the contact forces that arise when two surfaces (bodies) come in contact, with one another and it resists the motion of one body over another by acting in a direction opposite to the motion of the body.
So it either slows down a moving body or prevents stationary objects from moving.
Video: If there was no friction, what would happen to a moving object?

Causes of Friction
- When 2 surfaces come in contact, their surfaces may look smooth, but actually have a lot of irregularities (i.e. they have a lot of depression & elevations).
- When a surface tries to move on another surface, these irregularities of both get interlocked with one another.
- This is what opposes the motion of a body trying to move & gives rise to friction.
Recorded Lecture: Causes of Friction
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Factors Affecting Friction
- Smooth vs Rough
- Heavy vs Light

Types of Friction
- Sliding Friction
- Static Friction
- Limiting Friction
- Rolling Friction
- Fluid Friction
Video: Holding a glass with oil on your hands tends to slip. Why?

Video: How does rolling friction help to decrease wear and tear in machinery?
Video: Why is rolling friction less than sliding friction?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Friction
- Adantages of Friction
- Disadvantages of Friction
Video: Why is friction called a necessary evil?

Video: Why do athletes use special shoes with spiked soles?
Video: Why do racing cars have flat tyres?

Notes & Quizzes
- Flash Notes
- Quiz
Flash Notes