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Electronics – As a base for building Robots

Learn about breadboard, battery, LED, Beeper, switch and circuit diagrams and how to use multimeter, resistor, transistor and relays.

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Electronics – As a base for building Robots

For Grades 5 - 12 ( Students / Enthusiasts )


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Session Content

5 sections • 30 lectures • 1h 10m total length

Make your first circuit

Breadboard Connections


Recorded Lecture: Working with Breadboard

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Circuit Diagram


Recorded Lecture: Circuit Diagram

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Refer the color code table above to infer value of a resistor by its color bands and vice versa.



Recorded Lecture: Resistor Color Codes




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Recorded Lecture: Circuit Challenge

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Build the circuit on breadboard. What happens when you press the switch ?

Multimeter & Resistors

Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)

Recorded Lecture: Resistance Current
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Recorded Lecture: Ohm’s Law
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Recorded Lecture: Introducing Multimeter
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Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)

Recorded Lecture: Voltage with Multimeter
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Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)

Recorded Lecture: Current with Multimeter
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Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)


Recorded Lecture: Resistance with Multimeter
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Build the circuit and answer the questions below
(Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)



Q. What value are you using for R1 resistor ?

Q. What value are you using for the two R2 resistors ?

Q. What’s the voltage at point A in the circuit ?

Q. What’s the current flowing through the LED ?

Q. What’s the total effective resistance of the circuit ?

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Create a working water overflow alarm model based on the circuit above.  Measure the current flowing through the Green LED when its on. Also Measure the resistance of Water in the circuit.


Recorded Lecture: Home Assignment
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Variable Resistors

Q. Why does the circuit have an additional resistor (220 ohm) besides the Potentiometer ?

Q. What’s the maximum resistance value that can give a noticeable glow with your LED ?


Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)


Recorded Lecture: Potentiometer
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Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below.


Recorded Lecture: LDR
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Recorded Lecture: Introduction to Transistor
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Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)

Recorded Lecture: Transistor Circuit
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We saw that we can use water as resistor to connect transistor’s base pin to battery positive. How about using your own body ? after all you are 60% water !

Using this idea, can you design and build a working model of a Touch LED circuit, where you can make the LED glow by just your touch !  Demo this circuit in the next session.

Below is a sample demo of such circuit and a tip on building touch sensor.

Recorded Lecture: Home Assignment
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For what resistance value, does the mid-point voltage (in controller circuit) become 0.7 V ? (Use potentiometer to find that out)Note: Disconnect the controller circuit from the main circuit (base of transistor) before measuring the mid-point voltage otherwise the transistor will interfere with measurement.


Circuit diagram referred in the video is given below. (Note: if you don’t have the exact value of resistors then use any resistor where the 3rd band is of the color indicated in the diagram)



Recorded Lecture: More on Transistors
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Recorded Lecture: Resistance based controllers
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What resistance value (for sensitivity control) triggered the beeper at 6am brightness in your simulation? what about 9am brightness ?


Recorded Lecture: Light based controllers
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Recorded Lecture: Fine tuning LDR
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Circuit Diagram Challenge

We learnt how to fine-tune the improved morning wake-up alarm circuit, so that it triggers at say 6:30am in the morning. Draw the Circuit diagram of the final circuit (with controller and main circuit combined). Also draw circuit diagram of individual circuits (controller circuit and main circuit separately).


Recorded Lecture: Power Supply
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Recorded Lecture: Introduction to Relay
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Recorded Lecture: Relay Demo
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Recorded Lecture: Electrical Side
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Recorded Lecture: Pairing with LDR Circuit
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