Basic Chemistry Session-2
Basic Chemistry Session-2
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 8 chemistry topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Get Flash notes, quizzes and experiment kits along with this session to make learning interesting and understandable.
Coal and Petroleum
Crop Production and Nitrogen Fixation 1
Crop Production and Nitrogen Fixation 1
Techniques of Crop production & Nitrogen Fixation
Reproduction in Animals 1
Reproduction in Animals 1
Asexual & Sexual Reproduction in Animals & Humans, Cloning
Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Reaching the Age of Adolescence
This Session will cover:
- Secretion of Hormones
- Glands and Hormones
- Adolescence
- Puberty
- Development of Secondary Sexual Characteristic
- Chromosomes
- How Is The Sex Of Child Determined
Nutrition in Animals & Humans
Transportation in Plants, Animals & Humans 2
Transportation in Plants, Animals & Humans 2
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 7 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.