Experiment Kits | Experihub Learning

Science is fun when you get to play as well.

Buy Science Educational toys and kits!

See Science in Action

There is so much to learn from real experiences and live projects – apply science and make interesting STEM projects.

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Experience Science Concepts

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Browse through some of the exciting products

Colorful Shadow Kit

“When lights of different colors shine on the same spot on a white surface, the light reflecting from that spot back to your eyes is called an additive mixture because it is the sum of all the lights. We can learn about human color perception by using colored lights to make additive color mixtures.”

Price : 175/-
Light Colorful Shadow Experiment for science
Knowledge Box
Price : 650/-
Wooden Body Structure Puzzle
Price : 799/-
Learn about Crystallisation and crystal formation
Crystal Necklace
Price : 85/-

Wooden Abacus

“LEARN ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION – The double-sided math counter toy has addition on one side and subtraction on the other. Give them a math problem and watch as your child uses the beautiful bright beads to solve the equation. Learning math has never been so much fun!”

Price : 399/-