A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes, quizzes and experiment kits along with this session to make learning interesting and understandable
Sense Organs & Body Systems
Sense Organs & Body Systems
Exploring the Sense Organs and their structure and functions
Our Teeth
Our Teeth
Knowing our Teeth, their different functions and problems.
Fun Time Experiments
Fun Time Experiments
Hands On fun activities involving Science concepts in real life
The Solar System
The Solar System
Delving into the Solar System and its members
Sorting Materials into Groups Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 3 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Adaptation in Animals & Plants Session-1
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE Class 3 science topics along with doubt-clearing session.
Crop Production & Nitrogen Fixation 2
Crop Production & Nitrogen Fixation 2
A session design to have an experiential learning of the CBSE topics along with doubt-clearing session. Get Flash notes & quizzes with this session to make learning interesting and understandable.